Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What kind of programming jobs would I be qualifed for if I have a 2 year degree in computer programming?

I've completed my major requirements and I am currently finishing off the last of my general ed courses, and am going to gradate soon. However I am starting to notice that whenever I look at job postings, I notice that most employers require a min education level in computer science to even apply.

What kind of programming jobs am I qualified for with "just" a 2 year degree in computer programming?? Keep in mind, I am planning on transferring to a 4 year university once I earn my degree. Once again, my current major is computer programing for a 2 year AS degree.

What kind of programming jobs would I be qualifed for if I have a 2 year degree in computer programming?
Depends on the company and what jobs you are actually applying for...in the company I work for a lot of our programmers are 2 year types such as yourself, but they don't get paid the big programming bucks that our college graduates do...but they are still pulling about $21/hour. The college grads pull in about $41/hour.

There are jobs out there, you just have to look and don't be picky about the first one so much...build up your resume by working where you can get experience.

But is you really want to make the big deneros....go into the Switch/Router world of networking..not the MCSE crap either...the big boys of Cisco, Blade, Foundry...that is where the real money is....and programmers have a leg up with the ability to do script writing...just bone up on linux and perl or expect scripting and you will have a major advantage....

Then I can say, welcome to my world!
Reply:You could probably get a job sooner or later but u would not get paid near as well as a person with a degree in computer science..i suggest u continue in university u would probably have to do 3 yrs not 4 or 2 and a half..n while your looking for a job hook up a programinng team try n make something u never noe..!%26lt;%26lt;peace out

garden sheds

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