Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why do all Obama supporters want mediocre government bureaucrat jobs?

With Obama's central planning policy of government make work jobs; just like the failed Jimmy Carter plan, stagflation and high interest rates is inevitable. That means the private sector cannot hire. The only hiring will be by the federal government.

Why do all Obama supporters want mediocre government bureaucrat jobs?
and the same with hillarys plan not just obamas

hillarys plan and obamas plan are 90% the same
Reply:They don't. Obama does not promote a policy of central planning --he would not be getting contributions from the financial sector and other big corporations if there was one iota of truth in anything said in your question. Stagaflation under Carter had noting to do with central economic planning and in fact started under Nixon and continued through the Ford and Carter Administration. The only example of central planning back then was Nixon's wage and price controls.
Reply:well seing as how im not unemployed, or poor, i dont give a crap.

obama 08
Reply:Naw look at his bills.

He is more successful in getting his plans past than most other experienced candidates. He thinks things out well in advance.

Hillary is much less successful at getting her plans past and her bills are much less thought out.
Reply:really whats the point of Obama bashing on this site.
Reply:Being mediocre in this country makes you in the top 5% in the world. Obama's plan and Carter's are as different as night and day.
Reply:Eventually nobody will be hiring and we'll have to jump both our borders to find jobs instead of the other way around.
Reply:We don't, you are seriously misinformed.
Reply:Any thing's better than Bush.
Reply:carter's plan didnt cause stagflation. and were heaidng towards recession in the business cycle anyway so the private sector wont want to hire they just want to fire and cut wages and hours. oh wait thats already happening.
Reply:Because they are realistic about their abilitiy to compete in free market of private sector.

Expropriation of taxpayers is their only Hope to get at least some pocket Change.
Reply:The "Private" sector...has been doing just fine with Bush in office.

Hell, look at FEMA and the joke it's become. Halliburton does all of their work now.

Look at the US Military, a chunk of their job is now done by Blackwater.

Shall we continue?

Let change take over...Obama can't do any worse than King George and his crony Republicans like Trent Lott, Lindsey Graham, John Warner, John McCain, Ted Stevens and the John ***** (LOL), Roy Blunt, Duke Cunningham, Mark Foley....shall I continue?

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