Monday, May 24, 2010

What is a Nutritional Anthropologist, and what jobs are available in this field?

What is overview of classes a person needs to get into a graduate program in this field and what are different jobs people in this field have besides teaching?

What is a Nutritional Anthropologist, and what jobs are available in this field?
Nutritional Anthropology is part of Cultural Anthropology and it is mainly concentrating on the place of food in different cultures. What different people eat, how they eat, when they eat, etc. As for the jobs, there is a growing interest from both public and private sector to hire anthropologists.
Reply:I don't think this is the place to be looking. Any answers you get that are worth reading will be from people that did a five minute search on the web trying to look smart.

You need to do a lot more than that before you decide to commit yourself for the rest of your life.

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