Friday, May 21, 2010

What are different types of jobs that involve trigonometry?

What are some different types of jobs that involve trigonometry? What things do they use it for? and give an example.

What are different types of jobs that involve trigonometry?
have you every seen those guys on the side of the road with the tripod looking thing...they are land serveyers (SP??) and they use trig all the time..(I actually stopped and asked one once)

ppl that work on building tools and parts for planes...use trig all the dad worked at Pratt and Whitney and he knew his trig ratios by heart

carpenters use trig to build steps

engineers use trig to build buildings that won't fall down
Reply:mathematician, programmer using mathematical software, optimization, signal proceesing engineer , communications engineer, RF engineer, civil engineer, mechanical engineer, industrial engineer, physicists, astronomers, cartographers, just to name a very few
Reply:1. Math Teacher 2. To drive students crazy
Reply:rocket scientist

trigonometry teacher
Reply:engineers - when trying to determine the distance across a river, they can measure the distance along the shore and estimate the angle between the farthest point along the shore and the point across the river from them

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